A celebration of Australia’s contribution to medical research
The influence of Australian researchers to major advances in health is remarkable. Several of them have won a Nobel Prize for their contributions to the world.
The influence of Australian researchers to major advances in health is remarkable. Several of them have won a Nobel Prize for their contributions to the world.
The fastest growing segment of the eClinical solutions market is electronic patient reported outcomes (ePRO), the technology landscape is driving the trend.
Design is the number one ingredient that takes a great idea and turns it into a desirable and commercially successful product or service
68% of patients prefer to be administered the electronic-based patient-reported outcome survey either at the office or at home
Those closer to the starup game know how hard it is to surf the tsunami of disruption. For every ship that comes in, thousands have foundered in the unpredictable waves of disruption.
Patient-centered tools that incorporate easy-to-interpret information on outcomes can improve the likelihood that patients will choose high-value care