Driving Healthcare Transformation With Connected Tech
Internet of Things (IoT) connects consumer and clinical devices in the cloud to provide a more complete picture of an individual’s overall health.
Internet of Things (IoT) connects consumer and clinical devices in the cloud to provide a more complete picture of an individual’s overall health.
PROs provide objective information about where a patient is in the disease process compared to the larger population and whether the patient is a candidate for joint replacement surgery
In the absence of patient self-reporting, symptoms may continue to worsen and cause serious complications, lead to hospital visits, and limit the ability to safely deliver chemotherapy
These kinds of technological advances in medicine are important because they benefit the ailing, but they're also thrilling for the science alone, each new solution seems more amazing than the last
This two-day event will provide an understanding of the opportunities that PROMs data present, where they are being collected across the health spectrum and how they are being used